Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scanning and Injection Guidance: The Next Step Course Description

Course Credits: Earn up to 16.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and AAFP Prescribed Credits.

Course Price: $1,695

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scanning and Injection Guidance: The Next Step is a two-day course.

Healthcare providers can enhance their skills and knowledge in musculoskeletal ultrasound by attending the ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection course. This unique opportunity equips participants with the latest techniques and best practices for performing musculoskeletal injections using ultrasound guidance. This course aims to improve patient care by building on the Joint Exam and Injections with an Introduction to Ultrasound Guidance course. This course is designed for physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners who have a basic understanding of musculoskeletal ultrasound and want to further enhance their skills in ultrasound-guided injections. Participants should have a foundational knowledge of musculoskeletal ultrasound and familiarity with basic injection techniques.

During this course, participants will learn to recognize anatomical landmarks and structures necessary for conducting ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injections. Participants will be better able to identify ultrasound images that will help accurately guide musculoskeletal injections. Participants will learn to execute a range of musculoskeletal injections using ultrasound guidance and be better able to identify potential risks and benefits associated with musculoskeletal injections.